Governance and Compliance in the Microsoft 365 Environment: Keys to Success

Managing governance and compliance in a Microsoft 365 environment is a critical issue for organizations, especially with respect to compliance with local and national regulations. In this article, we will introduce you to the best practices to ensure good governance and compliance in Microsoft 365.

Compliance with local laws and regulations

For Canadian and Quebec companies, it is important to comply with local laws and regulations regarding data protection and archiving. Key legislation to consider includes the Privacy Act (Bill 25) and the Archives Act (Bill R-2.1). These laws govern how organizations must manage, protect and retain personal information and archival records.

It may also be appropriate to comply with other Canadian standards or regulations, such as the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) or the Canadian Anti-Spam Act (CASL).

Use of sensitivity and retention labels

Microsoft 365 offers several tools to help organizations manage their data governance and compliance. Sensitivity and retention tags are two examples of tools that help classify and manage information appropriately.

Sensitivity labels are used to classify documents and emails according to their level of confidentiality, while retention labels determine how long documents should be kept before they are permanently deleted.

Access control and data protection

Access control and data protection are also key elements of governance and compliance in Microsoft 365. Using two-factor authentication (2FA), defining administrator roles, and managing permissions all help to ensure data security and prevent unauthorized access.

Audit and monitoring of activities

Microsoft 365 offers auditing and activity tracking tools that help organizations monitor actions taken on documents and data. This can be useful in detecting potential data breaches, unauthorized access or suspicious activity.


Governance and compliance in Microsoft 365 are critical to ensuring compliance with local and national laws and regulations, as well as security and data protection. By using Microsoft 365 tools, such as sensitivity and retention labels, and implementing access control and data protection measures, organizations can ensure proper governance and optimal compliance.

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Jean-Philippe Asselin